This MTV SO CUTE!!!! n oh my... lily allen so pretty!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Grossed out man!

Was rushing to meet Pike at Sim Lim today but had this great urgency to go to the toilet. So I went to Bugis Parco's basement toilet. Quite packed and so of course I used the cubicles. Before I went in I noticed this man in shades at the urinals(there are 3 urinals). He chose the middle one.

After I finished my mini business he was still there! The queue for the urinals was getting longer. Being the vain person I am, I was in the toilet for quite some time adjusting my ear stud, my hair, my cap etc. People using the other urinals spent a mere few seconds but that man, he was still there. I decided to observe him....... discreetly of course.


I noticed he was lookin left and right while "peeing". Now that's why he's wearing shades in a toilet. He didn't want people to notice? But it was pretty obvious he was there for so long! OMG! Was he PCC-ing?! This kind of people also got ar?! Utter disgust.

A note to the uncle.... "Uncle ar, you gay issit?! If gay also... please maintain image lehz! Where got people so despo until liddat? Later you give people wrong impression hor!!! Super horny issit?! Go home watch porn then pcc la. Why must do in toilet?! FUCK GROSS you know? Uncle, ni ming bai mah? You wear expensive clothes and shades lehz.... but do these kind of things. I normal person can notice. You think others cannot ar? AIYO!!!! Uncle, you so old that thing still can stand ar?! Please go do self reflection."

Opps... am I too harsh?


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