Romantic turned Sceptic
I used to blog about love and how loved I was.
I used to blog about the happy timesThe oh-so-sweet dates.....
In 5 months time I would have been single for 2 years now
It's not like i didn't date
I do; I've dated a few
In fact, I'm dating someone now....
But the feeling's all wrong;
that's why I've remained single.
No more butterflies in stomach
No more thinking the relationship would last till eternity
Quiet walks by the riverside hand in hand seems lame...
It's like I'm changed.
I guess that's why I run away from my dates,
the moment talk about being in a relationship crops up.
Has it finally happened?
What I've always said after a bad break up......
"I give up on love."
Normally I get back up on my feet and am attached within weeks.
But since June of 2006, I have not been attached
A few dates here and there but that's it.
So i guess it has become a reality
I've given up on love
Everytime that special someone says
"I love you"
I'm all sceptical
"What is love anyway?"
It's like I've forgotten what it feels like
and for that, I dare not say "YES!" to relationships
ps: Darling, I ain't hinting anything.... this is just how I really truly feel. It's just that each time we have an argument, a disagreement... it doesn't help. It just makes me feel more unprepared about being in a relationship. I keep thinking to myself "I'm not ready".
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