This MTV SO CUTE!!!! n oh my... lily allen so pretty!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Goin out to my hommies

I wanna dedicate this entry to all those who have always been there for me. To peeps I just got to know.... and not forgetting those who have forgotten about me and also those who belonged to my past. Here goes.... in random order, not according to who I love the most to who I hate the most.


I know there are times you feel I don't think of you or that I don't care. For instance when I didnt draw you in my sketch book when I drew almost everyone else. But darling you must know, I always have a sketch of you etched in my heart. People won't be able to see it. But I know it. There are times I do things that make you feel unimportant... i apologise. oh well, I'm a himbo. *winks* You're my bestie and I want you to always remember that and never to forget me even when I have graduated and leave school.


I love how you're always optimistic. Never ever looking at the bad side of things... I'll be so pessimistic and you'll always tell me to see the good stuff. ALso always bringing up my confidence level. I love your theory on why I'm still single after a year. No matter how I didnt want to believe it, the way you explained to me sounds so logical... so hard not to believe. My 2nd bestie in school!!!!!


Thanks for introducing me to the group. I feel so short next to you, behind you, in front of you. What did you do to get so taaaall? Love the poses you do when you take pics. =) Love hanging out with you.


I don't know where to start. hee..... Nights are seldom boring considering I have you to talk on phone with. Most of the time we end up sleeping though. Been hanging out alot lately and love every moment of it. There's more I want to say but I guess I won't say it here on my blog. =P


mah looooovely junkie babe! Love you soo much. I remember how she would say she misses me although I've only like met her the day before. Hilarious. I think she's a smooth talker too.... always calling me hot and makin me blush.


Lots of love and kisses from me to this lady....


I clicked with her straight after meeting her. Quite surprising cause normally, i'll be so shy i'll just keep quiet. We ended up chatting alot though. Hard to believe she's only 16. I don't care what people say, i think she's hot..... and oh boy.... her boobs are huge.


Those days were long over and I have managed to push you to the back. It was cold how you treated me.But now I just want to remember the good times and preserve it. I'll remember the fun we used to have.... ur company on the rooftop garden while I paint. All these will be in my memories forever. If I continue contacting you I think I'll only hate you even more for how you're treating me now. We're like barely even friends. So I'll only want to remember the good times....... by not contacting you. Anyway, it's not like you contact me anyway. I hope you'll remember me though when you look at that painting in your room. The painting that I painted just for you when you were going through hard times.


Someone I was looking forward to meeting when he came back to singapore. But oh well.... someone's pretty busy. Lots of friends to meet. We didnt even talk on phone much. COz in the day busy sleeping or meeting friends.... nights, either out for supper or too tired to talk. 5 weeks of being here, we met for like what, less than 3 hours. I didnt even have a proper meal with him, he ate salad, his friend ate something, I watched. And in the blink of an eye.... someone's already left for Melbourne on the plane again. Not even a text before he left. Said would meet on Thur or Friday, then it was Saturday.... yea. He left on Sunday(today). Well see you online again soon once you start school. =)


I miss this bitch of mine.... she's so KECOH!!!!!!! we kinda stopped hanging out too. I guess she's busy with work now. But would really love to meet her again soon. Got to know her coz we went for the same training for Starbucks. She never fails to cheer me up when I'm down. And you know what... when she first saw me in class, she thought I was a mat!

to be continued............ more to come.


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