Love Love Love...
An so that dreadful day came again..... a day where you see couples everywhere on the street with bouquet of flowers. *rolls eyes*
Well I decided to give a lil something to all my friends too...... specially to the single ones. Who said only attached couples can celebrate V day.
and was totally blown away by what she wore. H-A-W-T!!!!
Got this pretty lil cupcake from her.... she baked 41 of these!!!
Went to school but apparently since it's V day, everyone have already left for town/bugis/elsewhere..
So Sarah and I decided to go to Sunshine Plaza to meet some of them for lunch. We had to pass them their flowers and cupcakes anw. =)
cheryl (oh how i miss her since she changed sch), and of course, shirley
jiajia...... =)
then of course Sarah and I headed to town where she met her other frns.... and I met up with Wei jie. went to find Mas to pass her her lil something....
I think Mas looks gorgeous like all the time.....
hung in Spins @ Heeren as usual and was joined by Farid shortly.... after which Weijie had to leave for his Cell Group gathering or something.
Waited for Bervyn and Raihan to come after which we went to meet Franco, Hanif, Panda and Khairul for Sheesha......
With that ends my Valentine's Day......
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