Recently, I have some friends who experienced some disturbances on their couple blogs. People tagged horrible things. Well these friends of mine ain't the couples you normally see. Yep, they're gay.
Being in design school, we meet all kinds of people. Straight, weird, sane, insane and yes a bulk have preference for the same sex. So what?! No big deal. They're merely people with different preference. Just like you and I... you may like french fries but I might prefer sushi to fries. What's the big issue?! I realised the lesbians and gays make good friends too. You can confide in them.
My friends' blogs have been flooded with readers and people posting horrible things. I read some of them and I tell you, I didn't know such people exist. They threaten to expose my friends and stuff.
GROW UP LA! Claim to be all man and said that my friends throw their manly straight faces. SO hilarious. I don't see the girls saying the lesbians throw their feminine faces lehz?! My str8 girlfriend once told me, she realised that gays are cuter than most str8 guys. Or rather all the gays she know are very very cute. Is this why the guys are jealous?
Tolerance people.... it's all about tolerance. You'd be shocked at how many celebrities you know and adore aren't actually straight. I can even shock you more by saying, for all you know, that gorgeous babe in school you simply fantacise about might be lesbian. This happened to alot of boys in my class. There was this babe with a cutie face and firm b***s in my course but guess what, she happened to be les. SO what?! We are all still friends.
To those childish people who only dare to tag and scare my friends. They're not scared at all and guess what? They have your IP addresses... and it's already submitted to the police. All the best.... pray hard they don't come knocking on your door and arrest you for harrassment!
To my readers, sorry for long post, I get really passionate when talking about irritating people. Disgusting!